Samples of Custody Agreements

When it comes to custody agreements, it`s important to have everything in writing to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings in the future. To help ensure that your custody agreement is comprehensive and legally sound, it`s always a good idea to have a lawyer review it before finalizing it.

Here are some common provisions that may be included in a custody agreement:

1. Physical Custody: This outlines which parent the child will primarily live with and how often the other parent will have visitation rights.

2. Legal Custody: This outlines which parent has decision-making authority for the child`s education, healthcare, religion, and other important matters.

3. Holiday Schedule: This outlines which parent the child will be with on specific holidays (e.g. Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.)

4. Vacation Time: This outlines how the child`s vacation time will be divided between the parents.

5. Transportation: This outlines who is responsible for transporting the child between homes and for school-related activities.

6. Communication: This outlines how the parents will communicate with each other regarding the child`s well-being and any important matters.

7. Modifications: This outlines how the custody agreement can be modified in the future if circumstances change (e.g. a parent relocates).

Here are some sample custody agreements to give you an idea of what they might look like:

1. Joint Legal and Physical Custody Agreement: This agreement outlines shared physical custody, legal custody, holiday and vacation schedules, transportation, and communication.

2. Sole Physical Custody Agreement: This agreement outlines that one parent will have physical custody of the child, while the other parent will have visitation rights. It also includes a holiday and vacation schedule, transportation, and communication.

3. Primary Physical Custody Agreement: This agreement outlines that one parent will have primary physical custody of the child, while the other parent has visitation rights. It includes a holiday and vacation schedule, transportation, and communication.

4. Long-Distance Custody Agreement: This agreement is for parents who live far apart. It outlines how transportation and visitation will work, as well as communication.

Remember, each custody agreement is unique and should be tailored to the specific needs of the child and the parents. It`s important to work with an experienced family lawyer to ensure that your custody agreement is legally sound and in the best interests of the child.