Temporary Rent Reduction Agreement Victoria

Temporary Rent Reduction Agreement Victoria: What You Need to Know

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals and businesses in Victoria, Australia are facing financial difficulties and struggling to pay their rent. In response, the Victorian government has introduced temporary rent reduction agreements to help tenants who are experiencing financial hardship.

What is a Temporary Rent Reduction Agreement?

A temporary rent reduction agreement is a legally binding agreement between a tenant and their landlord. This agreement allows tenants to pay a reduced rent amount for a specific period of time, usually up to six months. The agreement is designed to help tenants who are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 and cannot afford to pay their full rent amount.

How Does a Tenant Qualify for a Temporary Rent Reduction Agreement?

To qualify for a temporary rent reduction agreement, tenants must meet the following criteria:

– They have experienced a loss of income or employment due to COVID-19

– They are paying more than 30% of their income on rent

– They are unable to access other forms of financial assistance, such as JobKeeper or JobSeeker payments

Tenants must also provide evidence to their landlord to support their application for a temporary rent reduction agreement. This may include pay slips, bank statements, or other documentation that shows a significant reduction in income.

What Happens After the Temporary Rent Reduction Agreement Period Ends?

Once the temporary rent reduction agreement period ends, tenants will need to resume paying their full rent amount. However, if they are still experiencing financial hardship, they may be able to negotiate a new agreement with their landlord.

It is important for tenants to seek legal advice before entering into any agreement with their landlord to ensure they fully understand their rights and obligations.

How to Apply for a Temporary Rent Reduction Agreement

Tenants who are in need of a temporary rent reduction agreement should contact their landlord or property manager to discuss their options. Landlords are required to negotiate in good faith with tenants and cannot unreasonably refuse a request for a temporary rent reduction agreement.


A temporary rent reduction agreement can be a lifeline for tenants who are struggling to pay their rent due to COVID-19. If you are experiencing financial hardship, it is important to reach out to your landlord or property manager to discuss your options. Remember to provide evidence to support your application and seek legal advice if necessary to ensure you fully understand your rights and obligations.