Rsu 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement

RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement: What You Need to Know

The RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement is an agreement between the Regional School Unit (RSU) 21 and its employees, represented by various bargaining units. The agreement sets the terms and conditions of employment for these employees, including wages, benefits, and working conditions. As a professional, I will provide you with the most important details about the RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Negotiated Every Three Years

The RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement is negotiated every three years between the RSU 21 Board of Directors and the bargaining units representing teachers, support staff, and administrators. Negotiations usually start a year before the expiration of the current agreement, and both parties come to the table with proposals and demands. Negotiations can be lengthy and complex, as both parties try to balance the needs of the employees with the financial constraints of the district.

Wages and Salaries

One of the most substantial parts of the RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement is the wages and salaries section. Every bargaining unit negotiates their own salary schedules and step increases with the district. The salary schedules specify the pay rate for each step on the salary scale and the number of steps in the scale. Step increases are given to employees who have completed another year of service, and they receive a higher salary as they move up on the scale.


The RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement also covers benefits for employees. This includes health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance. The district and bargaining units negotiate the cost-sharing of these benefits. The district also provides retirement benefits to employees, which are negotiated with the bargaining units.

Working Conditions

The RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement also sets forth working conditions for employees, such as the number of days in the school year, the length of the workday, and the number of planning periods and duty-free lunches. It also outlines the grievance process, which employees can use if they feel their contract has been violated.


The RSU 21 Collective Bargaining Agreement is an important document that governs the terms and conditions of employment for RSU 21 employees. It is negotiated every three years between the RSU 21 Board of Directors and the bargaining units representing teachers, support staff, and administrators. The agreement covers wages, benefits, and working conditions. If you work for RSU 21, it is important to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement so that you can fully understand your rights and responsibilities.